Our mission

To ignite and equip men to have a Godly impact. We join in fellowship on Saturday mornings to listen to various speakers and to engage in discussion on the subject. We are also open to discussions on what is going on in men’s lives as well. We pray for the men of Yes Church and in our community. We pray that more men will follow Jesus.  Our Men’s Fellowship is not restricted to the men of Yes Church but is open to all men in Brantford.


We hold semi annual Bonfire Breakfasts, where we encourage men to come out for a time of fellowship and food.  

We fundraise for different ministries at Yeschurch with our annual Yard Sale & BBQ.

We participate in Promise Keepers events, such as the annual PK conference as well as other events they hold.

We encourage men to grow in their faith with Jesus Christ.


For more information contact ministry2men@yeschurch.ca.